Why Collegiate Recovery?

Collegiate Recovery Programs help colleges recruit, progress, retain and graduate their students. CRC participants have higher GPA, retention and graduation rates and much lower return to substance use than the general population.

Misuse of alcohol and illegal drugs is widespread

2.7 million full-time students report binge drinking on campus.

1.8 million full-time students report illegal substance use on campus

480,000 full-time students met the criteria for a substance use disorder

2017 results from SAMHSA

Programs help colleges recruit and retain students

840,000 full-time students are in recovery.

64% of students leaving college do so for behavioral health reasons

2017 results from SAMHSA

Collegiate recovery programs deliver results

Exceed graduation rates of the general student population by 21%

Have higher GPA's than the general student population

Only 5% return to using illegal drugs or other substances.

Association for Recovery in Higher Education (ARHE)